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Set up SSH


  • The latest (full) version of Git Extenstions is installed
  • git --version shows no errors; if not, add the location of the Git folder to the PATH
  • There exists the GIT_SSH Windows environment variable (necessary for plink): C:\Program Files (x86)\GitExtensions\PuTTY
  • PuTTY directory is on the system PATH: C:\Program Files (x86)\GitExtensions\PuTTY
  • where ssh command shows the location of ssh.exe; if not, add the location of the Git\usr\bin folder to the system PATH

Manage SSH keys on your local Windows machine

SSH keys are stored locally in %USERPROFILE%/.ssh directory. If it does not exist, create one.

Add a new SSH key via PUTTYGEN

  • Open your command prompt and type puttygen. This will open the generator screen.
  • Click Generate to generate a new key and move your mouse across the white area.
  • Type in the passphrase (remember it wel!) and save the private key to %USERPROFILE%\.ssh directory as id_rsa.ppk.
  • Also, save the OpenSSH version of the key as id_rsa file via the top menu Conversions -> Export OpenSSH key.

Add a new SSH key via SSH-KEYGEN

  • Alternatively, you can generate the key via ssh-keygen command
  • Save the key as id_rsa file in .ssh directory
  • Open puttygen and load the generated key
  • Save the corresponding private key as above for Puttygen

Add config file for SSH

  • In your .ssh directory create an empty config textfile (no extension)
  • For your remote host, e.g. BitBucket, add the configuration information. It will look something like this:
        Host BITBUCKET
        User your-user-name-on-bitbucket
        PubKeyAuthentication yes
        IdentityFile id_rsa

Test the connection

  • run ssh -T
  • you may see something like this:
        key_load_public: invalid format
        Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/Andre/.ssh/id_rsa':
        logged in as Madrusnl.
        You can use git or hg to connect to Bitbucket. Shell access is disabled.
  • you may ignore the invalid format error if you see the rest
  • otherwise you can do some troubleshooting:
    • use -vvv option: ssh -T -vvv
    • make sure you have registered your PUBLIC key (.pub) on the (BitBucket) server
    • make sure your IdentiyFile variable in the config file points to your PRIVATE key (without extension).

How to clone the remote private repo via SSH

  • make sure you have the private key for the remote repo in .ssh folder, e.g. id_rsa.ppk (otherwise create it as described hereabove)
  • create the local folder to which you wish to clone the remote repo
  • initialize the empty git repo in it by git init
  • open the repo with Git Extensions
  • in its menu, go to Repository, Remote repositories... and create a new remote repository. Call it origin (or any other name you like).
  • Copy the SSH url of the BitBucket repo and paste it in the Url field
  • For the PuTTY SSH field, browse to the private key in .ssh directory and pick it up
    remote ssh
  • Click on Load SSH key and type in your passphrase for the private key
  • Test connection with Test connection
  • If everything is ok, save changes and close
  • Click on the light blue down arrow, choose Pull, fill in the right remote branch, e.g. master and choose Merge remote branch into current branch
    pull via ssh
  • Click the Pull button
  • If everything went fine, you should now see the branch tree with all the commits