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.NET Core Tips

dotnet command prompt

Run the web application on a specified port, e.g. 10000, via

dotnet run --server.urls

Dotnet NuGet Packages

Using command dotnet pack we can actually create a NuGet package from our project. This command will create two files in bin/debug/[runtime] directory:

  • DNXConsoleDemo.1.0.0.nupkg
  • DNXConsoleDemo.1.0.0.symbols.nupkg

Actually, the .nupkg files are just .zip files. If you rename the extension, you can see what is inside the package.

Application as a NuGet package

It should now be possible to install your project as a NuGet package.

Some Definitions

ASP.NET Services = objects that provide functionality to other parts of the application. Services registered in the Startup.ConfigureServices method can be accessed by creating a constructor that accepts an argument of the required service type.

ConfigureServices method hooks into the service registry all of the services we want our application to make use of. It is configuring the types of services that can be used in the infrastructur altogether.

Configure methods configures the behavior of the registered services.

Middleware = components that are combined to form the request pipeline.

AddTransient = every time we call for the service to be used, we would get a new instance of the service from the DI Framework.

AddScoped = same instance of the service is used in all stages of the middleware pipeline for the same request.

AddSingleton = one instance of the service is created for the entire lifetime of the application across all user requests.

AddInstance = similar to AddSingleton but we need to new up the instance of this service explicitly.

Some Facts

  • JSON schema of the project.json file:
  • It is possible to use more that one Startup class, e.g. Startup, StartupFoo, StartupBar, and to specify the one we need to be activated in the Program.cs:
  public static void Main(string[] args)
      var host = new WebHostBuilder()